I MANAGE a few hours sleep and am woken by a nurse who’s come to take blood. And another to do the regular blood pressure, pulse, temperature and blood sugar tests.
There’s also been a lot of intravenous stuff replaced and changed.
The doctors come round mid-morning and look at my blood results and the CT scan on a fancy machine. They’re reasonably happy and hopeful I might get discharged tomorrow (Sunday). Meantime, I’m gonna be allowed drinks and ‘soft food’. Uh-oh!!
Margaret arrives late morning. She’s been able to leave most of our gear in the luggage room at the airport hotel and has booked a place to stay for tonight nearer the hospital in Espoo. She can’t go ‘til 4pm and there’s been a lot of snow. The snow here, though, is taken in everyone’s stride – at home there would be shutdown!
Margaret has a laugh at my expense when my evening ‘meal’ comes…some kind of soup that seems like it’s still condensed and is pretty horrible; a bowl of some kind of milk and oatmeal that I can’t get over my neck..and a kinda yogurt thing that’s not much better but I force myself to eat!
After I’ve ‘eaten’ Margaret gets a taxi to the place she’s staying and I spend the rest of the evening apologising to folks on my socials for having to postpone tonight’s show. Hopefully we’ll announce a new date very soon.
I also do a final push for votes in the UK Blues Awards…voting closes midnight tomorrow (Sunday) UK time…still time to vote !