WE’RE off into Glasgow early and Margaret drops me at Milngavie train station.
I get off at Hyndland and take a walk up to Epicure on Hyndland Road for some breakfast. I order a sausage muffin…but there’s some confusion in the kitchen and I end up with a fully loaded breakfast muffin. A happy mistake, especially as I’m only charged for the basic sausage version 🙂
My appointment at the eye hospital isn’t ’til 10.30am so I take a walk round my old stomping ground before making my way to Gartnavel.
There’s the usual long wait and it turns out the uveitis is back in my right eye. Steroids to go in twice a day for a month, once a day for the next month then I’ll go back for another assessment.
It’s a cold but beautiful day and I enjoy the long walk into the city centre.
First stop is Mikaku for a big bowl of ramen…then onto GuitarGuitar to check out the Pedaltrain Metro pedalboard and bag. It looks perfect online, but the bag internal dimensions make it look too shallow for the Quad Cortex.
Reid goes and gets the pedalboard and bag then finds a Quad Cortex. Everything fits perfectly and I secure by bargain for just £65. Much smaller, lighter and more functional than the now retied effects board flight case.
Margaret picks me up to go shopping and we’re home soon after 6pm.
Betty pops round for drink and stays for dinner and we have a nice, long-time-missed off the cuff evening.