I TRY and get some more clearing up in the office before my first Zoom guitar student of the day.
Although cold outside, it’s beautiful clear, sunny day and although I’m busy and hadn’t planned a paddle, I get a text from Fiona saying she and David are paddling the river this morning. I have lessons to do but decide to go out on the loch and meet them later on.
I do just that and we have a grand paddle – it’s nearly 2pm when I get back.
Lots of work to catch up on and I need to replenish some of the sold out items in the merch store. Beard combs and earrings in particular. I’m still waiting on some raw materials, but there’s enough to get a few of each done.
While they’re in production in the office I do some clearing up then hit the studio and catch up on stuff as well as sorting some stuff for tonight’s Wildcats’ livestream.
Then it’s time for another Zoom guitar lesson with a student and straight into the livestream….