THE kids have us awake early…then it’s breakfast.
Everyone else is going to the swimming and I’m heading out on the paddleboard. In the rain.
I take a tripod and phone mount with the plan of doing a livestream as I paddle back. I stop on Torinch and get stuff set up as best I can. Everything’s a bit precarious though and as soon as I start to stand up the wobble of the board send my phone and the tripod into the water!
I try again and manage to get going but when I get home the whole middle section of the livestream seems to have gone missing. Weird. No matter – it’ll give folks a laugh.
Everyone’s back when I get home and we chill for a while before Catriona and the kids head off.
Margaret and I have a snack then I fall asleep on the sofa for more than an hour!
In the studio I sort out some video render problems – one piece of video was caught in an endless rendering loop, so I delete all the Final Cut preferences which seems to sort out the problem.