Welcome to the flight deck…our new used car is a bit of a tech upgrade from our clapped out old banger!
AFTER setting some more video footage to render in the studio I nip back to the house for breakfast..then back to the studio for a session with one of my Zoom guitar students.
Next on the list is a trip into Glasgow to check out a car Margaret identified online as a contender for to replace our aging banger. Arnold Clark has a load of different dealerships in the business park we arrive at and we eventually find the right one…not much time though – I need to be back home for a photo job this afternoon.
Salesperson Kaitlyn is fantastic – she shows the car, tells us about it, makes an exceptional offer on our existing car and calculates the payments. Bottom line is we’re gonna need to make (more) changes to be able to afford it, but it’s too good a deal to pass and we agree to buy!
Time is tight tho’ – and I’ve already messaged Sam and Eva to put our photo session back half an hour. We need to go back to pick up the other key for our car, all the dox and arrange insurance cover.
We get back just in time and by the time I’ve finished the photo session Margaret’s leaving to go and pick up the new (to us) car…a VW Golf estate.
Meantime, I prep soem video for tonight’s Facebook live-stream into my Wildcats’ group then another Zoom guitar session with a regular Monday evening student who’s coming on leaps and bounds.
Then it’s straight into the livestream and when I finish Margaret;’s back with the car and I get a chance for a proper look. Pretty cool machine if I say so myself…just hope we can find a way to pay for it!