Lunchtime paddle to Port Bawn at the far end of Inchailloch
I SPEND the morning re-creating artwork for some custom leather luggage tags. The customer has sent images, but they’re in colour – which isn’t any good – and very low resolution.
It’s a time intensive but therapeutic job for me and I’m happy with the results.
David B arrives just as I finish making my lunch wraps…we’re going for a paddle to the island for lunch.
I’m back in time for a quick shower before Fiona arrives for a website tutorial – she’s started looking after the local village hall website.
Back in the office I carry on with custom luggage tags then hit the studio to mess with the guitar for a while.
Margaret has a meeting about a local initiative – Maggi comes to the house and the other participants are online. Once they’re done with the meeting we sit and blether over a drink. It’s after when I have the asparagus risotto ready!