Very pleased with the way my first Loch Lomond pen want turned out…now available to order here
FIRST job is to finish off the tickets for the Kilmaronock show on 14 July….then more online gig listings for all the upcoming shows.
In the office I start messing with some ideas for a pewter and epoxy Loch Lomond pendant. Last week’s prototype casting was promising but needs some refinement. Much happier with the re-design and resulting item. I put it on sale in my West Highland Way Gifts’ online store and spread it around my socials.
After lunch I play some guitar in the studio and try to develop an idea I’ve been messing with for a while.
Later on the sun’s out so I take the laptop to the garden and get some admin work out the way.
We have a local community trust meeting in the evening. I’m not a trustee but give some communication support.