My Kickstarter campaign is finally approved! Click here to see the pre-launch page…
A MESSAGE from Kickstarter tells me my campaign needs some changes before approval. Mainly, I’ve referred to the campaign as a pre-order (which is, effectively, what I’m using it as) but they don’t like the terminology!
I amend all the award items and my ‘story’ accordingly and edit the video then re-submit.
In the office I try out some different ways to make the wee guitar pendants I prototyped last week. None of the ‘new’ methods/ideas work, but the process gives me some more options to try tomorrow. Meantime, I do some more on the new song and mess with another idea. Creative central!
Another message from Kickstarter tells me the campaign is now approved and good to go. I’m not gonna launch until Tuesday (27 July) but can spread a pre-launch link to start (hopefully) creating a bit of a buzz.
Margaret gets home with the shopping and once it’s all packed away we wander along to Betty’s for dinner…