UP AT a reasonable time to try and get some work done before we head off to spend the night with Bill and Dorothy near Dundee.
The Kickstarter campaign seems to have got off to a reasonable start so I decide to hold back on hammering my socials so folks don’t get (too!) sick of hearing about it. I do, however, update the landing page on my website.
In the office I check the silicone moulds…they look reasonable and I melt some metal and cast into the small one. The pour isn’t the best so after it’s cooled I try again. Mmmm…think my ‘object’ is too small for this approach, back to the drawing board on that one.
I do some work on the batch of wee guitar necklaces until Margaret tells me it’s time to go.
The drive up to Dundee is fine and we arrive late afternoon. Bill and Dorothy’s place is lovely with great views over the Tay. We sit in the garden for a while before dinner and have a wonderful evening with our pals.