UP early, checked out the hotel and parked at the airport before 8am.
Checkin for our flight to Helsinki and security is largely hassle-free, but our departure delayed by nearly an hour.
The delay is compounded by a busy passport control but somehow we manage to get our train with just 30 seconds to spare.
One change then we arrive in Mäntsälä where Ismo meets us drives us to the venue. It’s a great place and Tarja has a great spread of food and drink for us backstage.
Ticket sales are good and the walk ups make it a full house…and a sell-out!
The gig goes great and is a fantastic start to the tour. After we load out Tarja takes us for a drink then we head to Ismo and Suvi’s in Lahti where we’re staying the next few nights.
We finally head to bed after 4am…!