AFTER my regular Monday morning session with a guitar student on Zoom I get back to work editing the video footage from Friday night’s show.
Late morning a couple of Margaret’s pals and their kids arrive for a visit. I sit in the garden with them and have some lunch, take the kids into the studio to mess with guitars then they all go a walk and I get on with the video edit.
My eyes are falling out my head and I need a break from the edit so I go for a walk up the lochside…first chance I’ve had for a walk since we got back from Finland. it’s good.
I’m back just in time for my 7pm zoom guitar student then I nip to the house to sort a spreadsheet for Margaret who’s waiting on Maggi and Lynne coming for a local place plan meeting.
My Lomond Radio session is airing at 8pm so there’s no Wildcats’ livestream this week…