A BUSY day kicks off with my first in-person guitar student of the day. She normally comes on a Thursday but couldn’t come last week and I’m away tomorrow until Sunday.
There’s lots off mech to be sorted and some leather luggage tags to be finished so I get some of that done before a session with a Zoom guitar student.
Just a few minutes to get some more work done before another in-person student…again, normally a Thursday student but holidays and stuff mean he’s here today.
In the studio I edit some video to spin into tonight’s Wildcats’ livestream on Facebook then hit the office and finish off some guitar necklaces and pins.
Before I know it, it’s time for my final Zoom guitar student of the day and then straight into the Wildcats’ livestream during which I give the new Acoustasonic guitar a whirl.
After dinner it’s back to the studio to get all the gear ready…then packing…we’ve a 6am getaway time in the morning…