WE have a lazy morning at our accommodation in Tartu – I do some social media promo for tonight’s show in Polva and we drink coffee and munch croissants.
Once packed, Martin comes to pick us up and take us down to our hotel for tonight…too early to check in but we can leave all our gear and bags. Next stop his house where we have a late lunch with him and Marilin.
Then it’s back to the hotel where the venue has sent a minibus to pick us up. I get the gear out of the luggage room and Margaret checks us in and drops our main bag up in the room.
Andres and Siret join us on the minibus and Martin takes his car…a smaller vehicle will be bringing us back after the show.
It’s an hour’s drive to Polva and then straight on to sound check.
Booker Eerika has loaded the dressing room with a load of grub and drinks…the hospitality is first class, as is the venue and production.
I play two sets and have a grand time. It’s another full house and everything goes well.
We’re back at the hotel in Tartu before midnight…some snacks, a drink and a shower…then some work. We’re up at 6am for the bus to Tallin!