THE alarm goes off at 6am and we drag ourselves out of bed, check out the hotel and cross the road to the bus station for the first bus to Tallinn.
The breakfast room at the hotel doesn’t open ‘til 7 am so they gave us ‘packed breakfasts’ to go,..the cafe at the bus station is still closed so I nip back to the hotel where they organise coffees too 🙂
We sleep most of the way and arrive in Tallinn just after 9am. A driver from the festival picks us up and an hour later we’re on site.
Our pal – and festival rep – Krista meets us at my stage where we leave the gear then go on to our accommodation.
Sound check is at 1.30pm…and showtime 2.30pm. Krista and her partner Henk join us for lunch in artist catering then we head along to my venue.
I have a fantastic audience…and despite busting two string during my 75-minute set everything goes great. Margaret’s rushed off her feet selling merch 🙂
Krista and Henk help us back the short walk to our room and after sorting the gear for packing I crash for a while.
Krista and Henk’s room is almost next door to us..and some of her family are there too. Krista , her sister, Margaret and I go for dinner then back to my stage/venue to watch and Irish band.
Margaret and I are pretty goosed so we say goodnight…another early start in the morning….