WE have a long lie then breakfast….then I clear the decks of emails and other routine admin stuff.
In the office I design another item that needs to remain secret for now…then I knock out a couple more Loch Lomond pins to see how I wanna finish them for next week’s “makers market” in Balmaha.
My bike’s booked in for a service at Roots Cycles in Doune on Tuesday morning but we’re heading there today to babysit overnight. The guys at Roots are happy for me to drop the bike today so I cycle over and Margaret drives.
The first half of the 25-mile cycle is off-road and fun…the second half on roads and not as exciting….but I enjoy the ride and get the bike dropped off at Roots just in time before they close.
It’s a short walk to Catriona’s where Margaret’s already got the kids busy. We take them 9n their bikes to feed the ducks then back home, bed and dinner for us….