THE ALARM goes off soon after 6am. I get up and put on the oven for the wholemeal sourdough I prepared on Saturday.
By the time the oven heats up and the bread’s in for it’s covered and uncovered time I’m ready to go out for a paddle. It’s the first calm day in ages and although I have a busy day I can get out for a paddle while the bread cools. It needs at least an hour between coming out the oven and eating!
On the water I do a livestream to remind folks about tonight’s Wildcats’ livestream, stop off on Clairinch then paddle back home for breakfast.
After may first Zoom guitar student I work on finishing some prototype West Highland Way Gifts’ products which all turn out pretty good. Watch this space!
Next I prep for tonight’s Wildcats’ livestream and decide to include a performance of Come With Me…the title track from my debut solo album released 16 (yup, 16!!!) years ago…haven’t played it in a long time.
Another Zoom lesson then it’s pretty much straight into the livestream,. Goes grand… 🙂