AFTER breakfast I hit the studio and work on some guitar stuff and also experiment with different sounds for an updated version of Come With Me.
The new single – Younger Days – is ‘processing’ on Spotify and other platforms so I need to get it submitted for Release Radar and also to the editorial playlists. While in the artists’ area on Spotify I realise I need to update my ‘artist pick’ but live dates are not available.
Normally they’re ported in from Songkick but Spotify is telling me there are no shows. I get on the online chat with Spotify to try and resolve things. Seems to be an issue living concerts at the moment. Hopefully sorted soon.
After lunch I do some more finishing the batch of items for both my own merch and West Highland Way Gifts then pack and post out some CD orders.
I’m out of promo postcards so I spend some time in. the studio designing some new ones and get an order of to the printer.
Margaret has a local place plan meeting with Maggi and Lynn in the house..I go back and start prep for dinner. Butternut squash, ancho and beef chilli….