MY normally Thursday guitar student is coming this morning…and I also offered to change her guitar strings.
After the lesson I work on a particularly challenging guitar piece I’m trying to put together but may never see the light of day. Good finger exercise tho’!
After doing all the PRS/MCPS and PPL registrations for the forthcoming single (here it here now!) I get busy with some press/radio/media promo for same.
I work on some guitar sounds. I love the Quad Cortex I’m using for the guitar but sometimes I want a more ‘lo-fi’ guitar sound.
After updating the firmware I have a look online and find some ‘captures’ for amps like the Pignose and old Peavey Delta Blues (wish I’d never sold the one I had years ago!). I make a quick patch using the Pignose amp ‘capture’ in the chain and am really pleased with the result 🙂
There’s time for a walk through the woods before dark. When I get back Margaret’s’ home – she’s been getting the car services and picking up some shopping in Stirling.
After dinner we chill and enjoy a documentary about Mississippi Fred McDowell – Shake ‘Em on Down – brought to my attention by my pal Neil…