MARGARET’S just getting breakfast on the go when Jennifer pops in to pick up some stuff..we have a coffee then, just as she’s leaving, David and Sheldon arrive to knock down our old deck and move the steps up to the door.
They’d given us a quote for new deck but we’re skint, so this is a stop gap until we’ve got some realise to pay them to do a proper job. This is a good compromise meantime, especially as the old deck is so rotten. When it comes down we’re all surprised no-one had gone through it! It only takes them half an hour.
We load the car with some of the crap that’s been lying around under the old deck and I head into Glasgow where I take it to the dump then carry on to pick up the first batch of new t-shirts and hoodies. Lookin’ good. You can order them here.
Next stop, the garden centre for some ericacious soil. Margaret’s replanting out blueberry bushes and called to ask me to pick up some extra soil.
Final stop, the optician in Milngavie. I’ve been struggling to read the dash and all the steering wheel icons etc in the car…can’t really use reading glasses while I’m driving so I’ve taken a notion to try out some bifocals. And I’d like photochromic lenses too.
I’d found some online, but I don’t wanna spend a load of dosh on glasses with frames I haven’t tried on…the optician is a little more expensive, but I’d rather give them the money, especially ‘cos of the great service they’ve given us. It’s a good choice too, as the staff are really helpful and have some good advice…plus they can use Transitions XTRActive photochromic lenses which will darken in the car if it’s bright outside!
They help me choose some suitable frames and I put in an order. A load more cash than I’d planned, but hopefully a wise purchase.