THE ALARM goes off before 7am to remind me to get the oven on for the sourdough. A little time to heat up to max temperature then the sourdough goes in a Dutch oven and into the oven for 40 minutes. Then another ten minutes with the lid off the Dutch oven.
Once it’s cooked the bread needs to cool for at least an hour so I head out for paddle. Been a while since any time I had and relative calm have co-incided, so it’s good to get out for a wee while.
Back home I have a quick shower, breakfast featuring freshly baked multigrain sourdough then hit the studio for my first Zoom guitar student of the day.
After the session I fire through the remaining video edits for The Zips and start work own an online strategy for my pal Kevin.
I have an in-person guitar lesson late afternoon then a courier drops off more vinyl mailers.
After getting some more online postage labels sorted out and printed I have another Zoom guitar session hen my weekly livestream into my Facebook group. There’s a load of techie issues and I end up doing the livestream with just a crappy webcam. Goes OK tho’… 🙂