OUR eleventh anniversary. Can’t believe how fast time passes…if I was to guess, I’d have said maybe five or six years.
Matty’s off into Glasgow for a haircut and we get about our day-to-day business.
The washing machine has given up then ghost and Margaret has a load of washed washing that needs spun before it can go outside into the tumble dryer. She takes it along to a neighbour for a spin.
I spend an inordinate amount. of time trying to sort out networking connections and stuff for the mixer for next Saturday’s garden concert. it’s frustrating to say the least.
My credit card has a stop on it…something to do with ‘suspicious activity’ while trying to buy a mixer software plugin for the iPad…for some reason the App Store threw out my card. That might also be why the accounting software isn’t getting a feed from the credit card account.
I manage to add a different card for the App store and get the p[lug in downloaded. Then I call the bank and get my credit card reinstated.
Two hurdles out the way, the connection nightmare comes up. Not getting any consistent link either using wifi or a hard-wired ethernet connection.
After a few hours of frustration I among to get the wifi method working.
By this time Lesley and Mikey have arrived and we settle down for an evening of chat, food and drink…