WE’RE off to celebrate Mikey’s 40th birthday…but before we go I need to try and get some more work done on the smoker shelter roof. Don’t wanna leave it all too tomorrow (Monday) – I’ll have enough to sort out!
I make progress then we head for the Hollywood Bowl in Stirling, stopping at Catriona’s to drop off Mikey’s birthday cake and balloons. We’ll go back there for coffee and cake after the bowling nd Mikey’s birthday meal.
We have two lanes at the bowling alley and everyone has great fun. Then, mid-afternoon, we have lunch at the Torbex Inn.
Back to Catriona’s for a couple of hours then we head home.
We watch our pal Bill’s livestream from Wisconsin – they’re normally in Florida, but at their son’s for New Year – bring in the bells, watch a bit of Jools Holland’s Hootenanny and head to bed.