THE morning is spent – reluctantly – working on my accounts which are horribly behind.
There’s also loads more video footage from Monday’s garden gig that needs the frame rate adjusted so I set that to churn away on the background while I get on with the accounts.
In between times I have a Zoom guitar session with one of my occasional students who drops in and out every so often., masters the topic in question then comes back for more. Works well for some folks.
Two upcoming gigs are now sold out! Belfast next Saturday (13 January) and The Muse in Brecon next month. That’s good, but I still need to do some ‘traditional’ (ie: newspapers and radio) PR for Belfast.
One of the longer-term effects of covid and lockdown is that many newspapers have shut down/merged with other titles…and many of them have laid off their staffers. My media contacts database is therefore as much use as a chocolate teapot. I start a it of research into what radio and papers are still worth contacting and who the relevant folks are.