STILL some tidying up to be done in the studio before my first Zoom guitar student of the day.
Once the lessons done I get back onto my accounts and manage to sort most of the stuff out ready for the dreaded tax return.
It’s time once again to re-jig the studio. The livestream setup in the live room was good…but kinda made it awkward to use the space for other stuff..and there’s only one livestream a week. So instead of re-instating things as they were for tonight’s Wildcats’ livestream I decide to go back to the old ‘control room’ setup.
That means a lot of setting up and prep.
I take a break when my young guitar student arrives with her mum then get back to it, with another break for a phone call with my pal Kevin. I also get the upcoming (March) local village hall gig online and start spreading the word.
Another Zoom guitar session then straight into the livestream which works reasonably well other than a camera dropout mid-stream.
Back int eh house we have dinner then watch all four episodes of the Post Office Horizon scandal dramatisation on the STV player.