WE’RE a little later going down for breakfast than planned but still in good time.
A taxi ride to the BBC gets us there just after 10.30am and soon I’m getting set up and soundchecked. Some nice mics in that room!!!
The interview and session all goes well and the producer has a taxi waiting to whisk us to the venue for this afternoon’s Out to Lunch fest show.
The Deer’s Head Music Hall is a fantastic space with a great rig. Soundman Vic does a grand job with soundchecks then I head to the green room until showtime.
I have a grand time playing and chatting to folks after the show before getting the gear back to the hotel and having a drink with our pal Rachel.
Next stop, Common Market for tacos and quesadillas from Al Pastor (again!) – then on to Black Box to meet our pal Cara where we run into a bunch of other festival folks we know. Happy days 🙂