AS USUAL the kids are through to wake us up just after 7am…Margaret makes them some breakfast then they come back through not jump all over papa!
I have to finish making some packaging stickers for Manson Glass – Catriona’ll take them back for Will.
I’m in the studio when Maggi and Joel drop by to chat over some local stuff. When they leave and I go back to the house Catriona and the kids are getting ready to leave.
In the studio I decide to make a ‘rig rundown’ video – a video showing what I use instrument and gear-wise on the road.
Takes me a while to get set up and everything in place…then I spend a while filming until the camera tells me the memory’s full. And that’s when I realise that everything’s been recorded – including audio – in slow . I could probably salvage it, but it’d take a lot of messing around and likely never be quite right…I abandon ship and go back to the house to make some mushroom risotto.