UP early – lots of work to get busy with.
First up, I need to edit some teaser videos for my pal Kevin’s forthcoming single.
Once they’re done I do some more work on his website then look through our project plan to see what’s needing prioritised before we have a Zoom call to discuss.
There’s a fair bit of work to be done and I spend the rest of the day on it, taking a short break when Will drops Freya off – she’s staying with us tonight.
I also have a long call about our community hydro scheme website which, as a director, I’m tasked with looking after
Mikey’s been working on our neighbours roof and is staying over too.
It’s 9pm by the time I get back to the house and start the Taiwanese pork belly for dinner. Freya’s only just getting ready for bed and is only asleep a few minutes before dinner is ready!