A LUCKY glance out the kitchen window reminds me I have a guitar student coming later this morning.
She usually takes her dogs for a walk after her lesson, but it’s a nice day and it looks like she’s come early doors to take the dogs out first.
My pal Kevin’s new single Manos Arriba is out next Friday (8 March) and I’d suggested making it available to folks on his email list in advance via Bandcamp. So priority today is to overhaul his Bandcamp page, add a clickable image map to the header and get the new single uploaded and profiled.
Once done I get an email out to his mailing list.
Some more finishing and packing prep to be done for the big batch of wedding fridge magnets then email from t-shirt guru Kenny tells em my merch order is ready for pickup.
With no planned trips into Glasgow we decide to make a detour and pick them up then go straight to our pals in Helensburgh. The timing works out just right.
We have a grand night and my abstinence from the bevvy (over a year now!) means I can drive home.