THERE’ some guitar pendants needing made to fulfil online merch orders. I manage to get the flask packed and mould ready before my first Zoom guitar session of the day.
I have a load of huge video files from the weekend’s shows converting on the computer in the background while I run my first Zoom guitar session…then I go back to the office and pour the metal for the pendants.
The video continues to process in the background while I join a Help Musicians’ Zoom seminar on music PR.
Then it’s back to those for lunch and a trip to the doc’s in the village to see what might be wrong with my left shoulder. Ive been having a lot of pain for the last month or more and, if anything, it’s getting worse rather than better. Time to get it checked out.
Robert, the ‘nurse practioner’ (whatever that fuck that is) gives my shoulder the once over and pushes and pulls my arm in various directions. Looks like I have a rotator cuff injury 🙁
I’m prescribed anti-inflammatory gel which I pick up at the chemist before walking home.
I get home just in time for my late afternoon guitar student arriving. Once we’re done I head to the studio and start editing some of the video…I’m keen to get a couple of songs done to spin into my Wildcats’ livestream on Facebook later on.
I have another Zoom guitar session with little time before the livestream but I manage to get everything ready in time…