NOT too heavy a day today so we enjoy coffee in bed and watch Saturday Kitchen while dealing with emails and dsocvial media stuff.
In the studio I upload a live video of Loch Lomond Home from last weekend’s show at the village hall to my YouTube channel and Facebook then share vertical clips of same to TikTok and various reels and stories rounds my socials.
I have a catch-up meeting on Zoom with my pal Kevin to put some plans in place for the release of his next single.
The weather’s not too bad so we tackle some of the big chunks of wood that have been lying outside for a while. First the chainsaw, then the log splitter. Good to get it all done and stacked int he woodshed.
I spend a little more time in the studio then start making a cake topper for Catriona…it was her (44…cannae believe it!) birthday yesterday so they’re all coming for pizza tomorrow (Sunday) and Margaret’s made a pavlova to serve as a birthday cake.
Then it’s time to hit the road to Gartmore for dinner at Duncan and Irene’s where we have a great night. I happily drive home…one of the biggest benefits of being ‘off it’. Thirteen mon the since I had any alcohol!