AFTER my guitar student and her dogs have left I get busy in the office finishing off the first run of Conic Hill pins and pendants. Pretty pleased with the way they’ve turned out 🙂
A message comes in from a potential Zoom guitar student asking if it’d be possible to have a lesson this afternoon. Short notice, but I’m fairly flexible time-wise so we get something sorted for mid-afternoon.
In between times I research ways to improve my green screen lighting for a video I’m gonna be making next weekend. I really need to sort some flatter, better lighting for the screen.
I have a good session with the new Zoom guitar student and we arrange a follow up lesson…then it’s back to the green screen lighting research. I don’t have m much, if any budget, so need to look for a cheap DIY solution.
I’d hoped to get out for an early evening paddle but the weather’s turned a bit. Plus, I want to start spreading the word about a special international touring/live performance event that Andres and I are doing at the Scottish Music Centre, Glasgow before our run of Scottish dates kicks off in May before we head off to Betty’s for dinner…