AFTER a little more work on the Ben Lomond plaque idea I hit the studio. Video editing is my priority today.
While I know what I want to do, actually making it happen in the video edit is a bit more challenging. I out some ideas on the back burner and concentrate on getting a first cut done of the start of the video to send to Kevin. Wanna make sure Iim on the right track before working out more.
After lunch I get a positive response so carry on the edit and trying to work out how to emulate some of the old Top of the Pops-style vision mixer effects.
I take a break and help Margaret lay some slabs to put a new storage box on then prepare for one of my young guitar students coming to the studio.
After the lesson I go back and help Margaret finish building the storage box. Once done, it’s back tot he studio to try and figure out how to re-create an old analogue ‘video echo’ effect….