UP EARLY for my usual Monday morning sourdough routine. Instead of going back to bed with coffee while the bread’s in the oven I get into the shower.
The bread needs an hour to cool – and everyone;’s still in bed. I get the studio tidied up and sorted for today’s guitar lessons, pack some merch and get it to the post box and tidy up a little before breakfast.
Margaret has an optician’s appointment in Glasgow late morning and takes Andres into town to get his bus to Edinburgh Airport. I say cheerio and hit the studio for my first Zoom session with a guitar student.
Once done I nip back to the house too out the hydroponics that had been relocated from the spare room to the merch store and pot up some of the wee plants. I get the water/nutrients changed and drop in some more tomatillo seeds.
I have some lunch then another Zoom student before starting to prep some video clips to spin into tonight’s Wildcats’ livestream on Facebook.
My late afternoon guitar student arrives on time then, after the lesson I do some more livestream prep.
I also realise I need too update the landing page on my website and all my social media covers/banners to promote the upcoming release – Key to the Highway – which lands on Friday 7 June. Before I can do that, tho’, I need to set up a pre-save/pre-order link.
All that means I don’t have time to get out for a walk before the 8pm livestream….ah well….