I MANAGE to get most of the routine admin stuff out the way before my morning guitar student arrives.
Once she’s finished I do a little work outside then make a sandwich and go for a paddle. It’s a bit windier than forecast so I only go as far a Clairinch where I sit on the beach and enjoy my lunch. The paddle back is tough, but I make it!
There’s another guitar student coming to the studio mid-afternoon then I move to the office and make up stuff to go with the last outstanding Wildcats’ merch orders. It all gets packed up and ready for collection tomorrow (Friday). Just one hoodie left to go out, but it’s to be held until my customer gets back from holidays.
Margaret gets a nice email from the organisers of the Kymi Kantri festival with a scan of a press review and translation of my part:
“When performers are selected for the event, the aim is to create a musical drama arc for both days. With this in mind, we decided to try the interesting solution of placing soloist Dave Arcari as the last performer on Saturday’s courtyard stage. This was a certain kind of risk, but it was worth taking, stated Kupari with satisfaction.
And really true. The Scottish Arcari was really amazing. The man’s incredible enthusiasm and energy left no one cold. It was one of the best performances in the history of Kymi Kantri. Of course, the Finnish Highwaymen line-up, which ended the event on Saturday in the book hall, can be counted in the same category.”
Ilkka Kuiala – Keskilaakso Torstaina 11.7.2024
…looks like it went well 😉
Then it’s pizza time….