A COURIER drops off a bunch of mugs first thing –and there’s some other blanks that I wanna try out.
Turns out, though, that none of the other blanks will fit my mug press so I spend the rest of the morning searching for different-sized wraps to go I my press.
Easier said than done. the mug press is an unbranded cheapo from Amazon and any wraps I find seem to be for specific presses. I eventually find a UK supplier that sells what looks to be the same press I have…but none of their inserts appear to be for that particular press. I call them up and am sent a link to compatible wraps. Phew!
After lunch I’m messing with a new tune – well, an old riff I’ve been playing for ages and despite not getting a vocal or arrangement to fit am determined to use it and make it work. I had an idea in the shower this morning tho’ – just an addition of a single note – and it feels like it’s making a difference!
I’m playing it on the resolectric jnr. Unplugged. The solid body resonator has a unique sound and I decide to take a break from the song and record an unplugged version of Walk the Walk. It’s a rough recording, but I like the result. Then I go for a walk and mull over some ideas of how I could shoot a video to go with the new recording.
Back him I set up for the video but have to call it a day – we’re going to Betty’s for an aperitif…