ONCE my morning guitar student is done I hit the studio and prepare for a local hydro society board meeting via Zoom.
I have an online guitar student at midday then go back to the house for some lunch.
It’s a beautiful day and we need to get some filming done for a new ‘introduction to Dave Arcari’ video. The current one was made five years ago and I’ve never really been 100-% happy with it…so we take the chance to go up the lochside to film some bits.
Although we love the sunshine it brings more than it’s fair share of challenges, not least as our gear is all pretty DIY and I don’t have any lighting suitable to use outdoors. I do have a reflector which helps a little.
I always find it hard to sound natural when we do these things but by the time we’re done we have some rushes and useable (I think) audio.
When we get home I start dumping the video and audio in the the computer for editing over the weekend then we jump in the car to visit Betty at Forth Valley hospital….