MARGARET’S off to Edinburgh early doors – she’s meeting Les and they’re both going to get their hair done.
First job of the day is to call the lost and found desk at Schiphol airport to see if they can match our lost camera report with an item we claimed on the ‘found items’ page. The lady is very helpful and says she’ll email the dox for us to fill in and enable a return.
I have a guitar student arriving at 10am. Once she’s finished I hit the studio to chase up Home Energy Scotland about a callback relating to a potential heat pump grant and loan. I need to eb quick tho’ as I have a session at the school in Balloch and need to get the bus.
I’m about to leave when I get a message from the school saying most of the kids are off sick today so we postpone ’til next week.
A courier drops off a couple of softboxes I ordered from AliExpress. Very impressed with both service and the products – then I get busy finishing off the guitar workshop promo video, building a website landing page and setting up a booking page ready for some promo.
I have a meeting with the directors of a pub/inn/venue in Gartmore early evening so make my way over there and have a very productive chat before dropping in to see my pal Duncan.
Back home we have dinner and I deal with some of the more urgent stuff from my meeting earlier then get an email about the guitar workshop out to my email list….