AFTER breakfast I have a few invoices to send out and Margaret goes off to a hospital appointment.
Once she’s been to the hospital she’s going into Glasgow to get all the Christmas food and other shopping so I do an inventory check of the freezers, fridges and cupboards and make up a shopping list to send her.
Suddenly it’s lunch time.Salt and pepper tofu, then into the office to finish off a couple of Christmas presents I’m making.
A break in the rain entices me out for a walk up the lochside where I do a quick livestream into my Wildcats’ Facebook group – I realised there’s won’t be a weekly livestream on Monday as we’ll be away in Perth. I need to let the ‘cats know!
As well as doing the livestream I bump into a couple of folks for a chat on the way back and end up trying to find my way home in the dark.
There’s a bunch of emails and admin stuff to be dealt with, a eNewsletter to put out then I have a nap for ten minutes before Margaret’s ret gets home and we put all the shopping away.