UP early for a physio appointment in Dumbarton.
The guy is really good and pleased with my progress…although some of the problems are undoubtedly related to the wee tumour in my left arm.
I’ve got an appointment with the consultant when we get back from Venice to discuss the results of the biopsy.
Back home I spend some time working on the Kickstarter project which I’ll finish and submit for approval when we get back from our break.
We finish packing then my afternoon guitar student rocks up with her mum.
After we’re through with the lesson we put our one suitcase in the car and head for the airport.
Our flight isn’t ‘til the morning but it’s a 6am flight with a 4am check in so we’ve decided to spend the night at the Holiday Inn at the airport.
We leave the car with the parking folks, check in, have dinner then relax…